Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I May Not be Harvesting Tomatoes, but I Do Have Damson Plums....

Our fourth year Damson Plum is playing by the rules. Give her water, giver her sun, mulch her occasionally and she will yield. (The same cannot be said of my tomatoes)

When I ordered my fruit trees from Woodbridge Fruit Tree Nursery a couple of years ago, I ordered, on a whim, a Damson Plum. Don´t ask me why. It is not a particularly attractive shrub, and there are only a few uses for the fruit...namely, for me Damson Gin.

I do adore a gin and tonic, so maybe I was thinking that I could use the fruit to flavour up some gin as something a little bit different.

Well, lo and behold, she is fruiting, and it looks like I will be Damson Gin making in a little while. The only issue I have with it is the amount of sugar involved. HH and I are not big on sugar consumption. We are more of the savoury kind of kids. Us hyped on Damson Gin should be quite amusing for all and from what I have heard, Damson Gin is quite delicious, can one possibly stop at just one?

1 comment:

  1. Sunday Reid, founder (with husband John) of Heidie Museum of Modern Art (then an 'artists colony' in the 40's and 50' recently inspired a cookbook of which includes an original English recipe of Damson Gin! It sounded petty tasty! She drank it straight! Go girl!
